Joan Mazo challenged me to do her pictorial for her new setcard for 2007. She is a freelance model and can be reached at if your advertising campaign is looking for that exotic "look". For this project I intend to bring less gear without compromising on the image I had in mind for her. Now that found me bringing 4 Nikon flash units. One strobe had this 60" umbrella light diffuser while the backlight had the yellow gel. I used a green backdrop so I could "drop-out" Joan in Photoshop more easily. This is a technique I learned in videography in what they call "chroma-compositing". The backdrop had a flash illuminating it. I used an Nikon SB-27 to trigger all these flashes together. This project further instilled in me that you don't have to drag all your large studio lights. I picked only two impressive photos for her setcard-breaking the rules here! I then did the layout. Now Joan wants a 20" x 30" poster of her setcard.