PHILDHRRA Celebrates 25 Years

The Philippine Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Areas is a network of seventy-two non-government organizations involved in various development activities in rural communities nationwide. PhilDHRRA held it's silver anniversary celebration at the Bayview Hotel in Manila for four days. Important guests, politicians, sponsors, former members and founders graced the event and some were honored for their noble initiatives. A tapestry artwork (photo above) was created by the NGO members as the symbol of their commitment to PhilDHRRA's mission and vision towards Philippine progress. As the official photog, yours truly found the four-day celebration hectic as speakers and reactors were showcased, plus a studio setup was simultaneously installed for portraitures. Activities were not confined to Bayview though: an "Amazing Race" outdoor activity found me running around Manila and Intramuros with the participants, moreover the celebration was also held at the Heritage Hotel one formal night with a studio setup installed there too. Whew! It's just too much for moi but I made it. My backup photog in Francis and my trusty assistant Ding made my work endurable and enjoyable too. Thanks guys! I made it fun for all the participants inspite of serious national issues that were discussed (like the Mindanao crisis) regarding PhilDHRRA's stand. Here's looking forward to another 25 years-salud!